Even if Your Feet Stink, I'll Still Smile

I remember when I experienced my very first pedicure...Ahhh, it was wonderful!  As I sat in the massaging chair, my feet being soothed by the bubbling water, I think I could have been in La-La Land in a matter of minutes.  I have to admit, though, I was a little anxious about getting one.  I had heard horror stories from others, and I didn't want to limp away with one of my own.  After those wonderful moments of soaking and relaxing, the lady started in on the hard part.  While she was working her magic, I noticed how she seemed to enjoy what she was doing.  I don't know if she actually was, or if she even felt like doing it, but the impression she gave made me feel a lot better.  I was certainly very appreciative of her performing the act! 

Isn't that such a picture of Christian service?  As we carry out whatever service we do for the Lord, we should do it cheerfully!  I'm pretty sure that, if the lady's face had been painted with a glare the whole time, I wouldn't have felt very comfortable!  As it was, she appeared to be perfectly happy with her work.  I wondered how many times a day she did pedicures.  Did she ever get tired of it?  Or had she become used to the deed and enjoyed seeing how good it made others feel?  Whenever we perform a Christian service, what kind of face are we making?  Do we wear a serene smile that says “I'm glad to be helping you in the name of Jesus”?  Or do we crinkle our nose to show our distaste for the task?  Sometimes, if we do the same thing over and over, we get tired of doing it or start thinking that it's a waste of our time.  Don't let the devil feed you a lie like that!  Just look at it like you're getting really proficient at something, and when the task is more mechanical, you can focus on the human aspect of the service!  (I know that doesn't apply to every Christian act, but it does to some.)
As I thought about her facial expressions, I pondered her inside appearance.  Did she really feel like being there that day?  Had she shown up for work grumbling and complaining?  Or had she driven to work hoping to have many satisfied customers?  In other words, was her internal motivation sincere?  That brings up some pretty important questions when referring to our Kingdom work.  1Timothy 1:5 says this:  “Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:”  Is our figurative – or literal – foot-washing born out of a pure desire to show God's love?  If we have a “good conscience”, we know that we are showing charity because the Lord has instilled in our hearts the desire to do so, and we're not just trying to look good.  Our “faith unfeigned” is a testimony that we believe God can take our simple acts of kindness and bless others greatly.    
Something that might ease the grumbling and complaining is knowing the effects your actions are having.  If you ever find yourself not wanting to 'wash feet', think of the smile that deed will bring to their face!  Remember times past where you've felt an overwhelming sense of joy at how the Lord used you to make someone's life better in some way.  Of course, there are different levels of Christian service.  For those blessed with the gift of giving, they might help people pay off their house (that's a true story).  For someone who has less to give monetarily, but is blessed with the gift of exhortation, their service might be as 'simple' as speaking an encouraging word.  Not only should we gain fulfillment from helping our fellow man, but just think how it makes God feel!  He can say to the angels, “Look what my child just did in my name!”  It gives Him something to brag about :)  In Matthew 10:42, Jesus said, “And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.”  That gives me the impression the Lord placed a lot of importance on Christian service!
When we find opportunities to share Jesus through an act of kindness, let's not destroy the deed by scowling the whole time!  Sometimes, we're physically tired, and it's hard to do things for ourselves, much less for others.  Just remember, though, that time is not wasted.  Not only might we be giving someone a much-needed blessing, but God is pleased when we do for others.  Just knowing that we're putting a smile on His face should bring a smile to ours :)  

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