Chasin' Rabbits

I’ve always thought it funny when people talk about how women can jump from subject to subject, lol.  (To be fair, there are certain men who are gifted with this, as well ;) )  To most of us, I guess, we don’t see what all the fuss is about - chasin’ rabbits just comes naturally!  Sometimes, that’s not the greatest ability to have, though.  It can turn a 2-minute story into a 15-minute story!  (Don’t forget, women like to include all the details!)  I noticed something about myself – this tendency carries over into my prayer life!  When I talk to God, I’m constantly asking Him, “Now, what was I talking about?”  lol  And, just like any other conversation, it can make our talks really long!  The good thing is that He’s never in a hurry, so if I go chasin’ rabbits, at least I know I won’t be keeping Him from anything J

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