Church in the *Dolly*Wood

I tend to be behind the times.  Yesterday, I finally got caught up on something, lol...I went to Dollywood for the first time!!  It was so much fun!  The first show we saw was "Christmas in the Smokies", I think.  It was so good!  The first half was full of the more secular Christmas standards, but the second half was devoted to Jesus's birth, and it was such a spiritual experience!  There were one or two of the performers that really touched me, because they seemed to really know what they were singing about.  I don't know about the rest of the audience, but I had church!  lol  Another show we went to was The Kingdom Heirs, which I already knew would be fantastic!  As I sat there listening to them, I thought of the difference between their show and the first one I'd seen.  I knew exactly what to expect from those guys, but the spirituality from the first was completely out of the blue!   That made me think of how we, as Christians, and even those who aren't, have that certain expectation of what we'll find at a church service.  But, not necessarily looking to find that in everyday life, it can make an even greater impact when we take Jesus with us everywhere we go, because people see Him being lived out, away from the walls of the physical church.  It reminded me how important it is that we don't hide our relationship with the Lord, whether we're among our Christian family, or out among the world.  Oh, and we did get to attend the actual church service in the Dollywood chapel, and it just made my day to see that place PACKED OUT!!  It was literally standing room only, and I said, "Wouldn't it be great if our churches had this problem?" 

It was a good day    

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