Hi, My Name Is Tori...

...And I’m an 80s-music-a-holic! Lol Yes, it’s true, I love the 80s! I’m a fan of music in general, but I grew up in that decade, so most of my memories are associated with 80s music. (Say what you will about that time period, but it produced some “totally awesome” music!) I was listening to the 80s channel one day, and I heard a song that I didn’t remember that well. It was from a group called Oingo Boingo (where did that name come from??), and it asked the question, “Who do you want to be today?” As a recovering people-pleaser, I know that question all too well; the answer is always, “Whoever you want me to be today.” Such a sad situation, to have your identity defined by others. We spend so much time compromising our beliefs and ignoring God’s expectations in order to make a “good” impression on other people. It’s such a waste of precious time! The response to that question should always, always, always be, “Whoever GOD intends for me to be!”