I'm *Grown*!

That’s a phrase I’ve heard sooo many times!  And, you might imagine, it’s usually coming from the ‘under 21’ crowd, lol.  I got to thinking about something, though…to be “grown” means that there has been a period of growth.  When I think of myself at the age of 18 or so, I can tell you that I most certainly was NOT grown!  Sure, we grow physically – and a little in the other areas – but our true growth doesn’t begin until we leave the nest of home and high school and venture into the “real” world.  That, of course, is where we start living out some of the situations we’ve heard about all of our lives.  Such is true of the Christian life.  Until we start experiencing some things and utilizing the knowledge we’ve gained over the years, there really isn’t that much development.  So, if we’re taking a long time in that phase, it will be even longer before we can really say, “I’m grown!”  (I don’t think we’ll ever reach the stage of “AM grown”; “HAVE grown” is more accurate.)

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