Interstates And Backroads

A few days ago, we took a day trip over to Abingdon, Virginia.  As we were driving on the interstate, I couldn't help but wish we were taking the backroads.  I love to veer off the main roads and get to where the real scenery is, the portrait of the everyday lives of the people in the area.  I got to thinking...aren't our Christian lives much the same?  We, too, have 'interstates' and 'backroads' for the people we encounter.  For those we don't know very well, we put them on the interstates, the mere glimpses of our lives.  The people we know better get to travel the backroads, getting to see what really goes on day-to-day.  I know it's a trust/comfort factor (because I do it, too), but sometimes, the people we don't know at all are the ones who really need to take a drive down the backroads of our lives.  After all, that's where we find the circumstances that have helped our faith grow.  That's where we find the situations that they can relate to and find some encouragement.  The backroads that we've traveled have woven us into who we are, and that's where we find the testimonies that we can share for another's good and His glory.

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