What's Your Perspective?

A while back, I heard a preacher preaching on God’s name and how so many people take it in vain.  He asked this question, “If you stub your toe, do you say ‘Praise the Lord’?”  I don’t remember what he said after that or the point he was making, but I remember saying, “Yes, I do!”  lol  It’s all because of my mama, too…she always said if you stub your toe, be thankful for that toe; if you cut your hand, be thankful for that hand; if you hit your head on the cabinet, be thankful for the house that holds the cabinet, etc.  Everything goes back to our perspective of the situation.  Do we see the good that’s going to come from the bad?  Do we see why we should be thankful when something good doesn’t happen?  We can have an earthly perspective that sees only what it sees, or we can perceive things from a heavenly viewpoint, knowing that we can, indeed, say “Praise the Lord” in every situation!

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