A Big “Thank you” to Mr. Inconsiderate Night-Owl

This is a writing from about 4 years ago.  Since I have just recently completed the 2-year process of moving to TN (lol), it just seemed natural to share this :)

The year 2005 was a pivotal point in my life.  It all began with an inconsiderate neighbor in my  anonymous Hattiesburg apartment complex.  His stereo speakers were right next to my living room wall – you know how thin they are -  which was a half a stone's throw from the bedroom wall that my head was next to.  The things must have been the size of refrigerators, because, let me tell you, they could put out the volume. And he must have been a night person, because that's when the noise would begin.  I remember one particular night that I actually went over to ask him to turn it down.  He apologized and said he would.  Well, it didn't last long.  Shortly thereafter, the blaring began again.  I was so mad!!  I got my broom and started to beat on the wall.  I hit it so hard that I left indentations.  FINALLY, he turned it off, and I was able to catch a little shut-eye before time to go to work. 

After that night, I prayed harder than ever for an escape from that apartment.  I'd been praying for a while, but that episode left me in tears, and I just couldn't take it any more!  So, I began the frustrating endeavor of finding a new place to live.  I was hoping to stay in Hattiesburg, close to work and Wal-Mart, just in the less citified parts.  I looked and looked, but I couldn't find anything that I was comfortable with.  After a short period of searching, I finally stumbled on an ad that sounded good, but it was in Purvis, about 15 miles from work.  I had a couple of friends there, but I had never thought to myself, “Hey, I think I want to live in Purvis!”  But, out of curious desperation, my mother and I hopped into her green Oldsmobile and went to see it.  The moment the landlady, Mrs. Johnson, opened the door, I fell in like with the place.  The moment she led us to the master bedroom with the garden tub, I fell in love!  Seriously, that tub sealed the deal :)
I roped some of my 'privileged' friends into helping me move one heat-infused day in July...the 20th, I think.  After two weeks of getting things somewhat unpacked, it was time to start looking for a church.  The friends that I had in Purvis had recently started going to Okahola Baptist Church, and they told me I ought to visit.  On Sunday, August 14, 2005, I made my first trip to Okahola, and I haven't left since!  The last five years have been such a time of spiritual growth for me.  I was able to get involved – something I hadn't been able to do since I was in high school – and spend time with some great Christians.       
As I look back, I can so clearly see how God was orchestrating things.  I didn't at the time, though.  All I could see was the moment I was in:  a moment of desperation to flee from that apartment!  But, if it hadn't been for that one over-the-top incident, I wouldn't have started looking for another abode.  If I hadn't begun the search when I did, I probably would have missed out on a great place to live.  If the Lord hadn't directed me to Purvis, I never would've started going to Okahola.  And that would have meant a longer wait for my spiritual growth spurt and missing out on knowing some wonderful people. 
So, whenever you find yourself wondering why God has allowed something – whether it's an unthoughtful neighbor or something else – just remember that He knows exactly how He's going to fix things!  Sometimes, it's inconveniences, and sometimes, it's catastrophes, but the Lord uses all types of situations to get us to the good things He has waiting!

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